folk noir
Albums scraped2021-11-30T04:11:05.460Z
Last updated2022-02-10T23:25:14.537Z
Released at
14Vashti Bunyan - Just Another Diamond Day1970
31Rome - The Dublin Session1993-00-00
48Księżyc - Nów1993
89Tony Wakeford - La Croix1993
46The Handsome Family - Odessa1995-01-09
39The Handsome Family - Milk and Scissors1996-05-14
5Cat Power - What Would the Community Think1996-09-10
75Mazzy Star - Among My Swan1996-10-17
11Smog - Red Apple Falls1997-05-20
41In Gowan Ring - The Twin Trees1997
25The Handsome Family - Through the Trees1998-01-26
35Gastr Del Sol - Camoufleur1998-02-23
13Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - I See a Darkness1999-01-19
60Turbund Sturmwerk - Weltbrand1999
76The Handsome Family - In the Air2000-02
47Damien Jurado - Ghost of David2000-09-19
70Moon Far Away - Sator2000
3The Angels of Light - How I Loved You2001-03-20
23The Handsome Family - Twilight2001-10-01
94The Magic Carpathians Project - Ethnocore 2: Nytu2001
90Woodland Choir - For You2002-01-01
58Naevus - Behaviour2002-06
93The Handsome Family - Smothered and Covered2002-07
43Leger Des Heils - Aryana2002
15The Angels of Light - Everything Is Good Here/Please Come Home2003-03-00
16The Angels of Light - Everything Is Good Here / Please Come Home2003-03-00
79M. Ward - Transfiguration of Vincent2003-03-18
71Califone - Deceleration Two2003-05-27
1The Handsome Family - Singing Bones2003-10-06
67Leger Des Heils - Freiheit2003-12-00
54Christina Antipa - Goodbye Different Oceans2003
9Mirah - C'mon Miracle2004-05-04
18Little Wings - Magic Wand2004-08-17
32Julie Doiron - Goodnight Nobody2004-09-07
63Novo Homo - Private Hell2004
81William Elliott Whitmore - Ashes to Dust2005-02-22
40Elizabeth Anka Vajagic - Nostalgia/Pain2005-05-16
100Rukkanor - Deora2005-11-05
45Nebelung - Mistelteinn2005
50Bain Wolfkind - Music For Lovers & Gangsters2005
52Sieben - Ogham Inside the Night2005
56Jordan O'Jordan - Not Style Nor Season Nor Hard-handed Lesson (European edition)2005
62Moon Far Away - Belovodie2005
87IANVA - Disobbedisco!2006-01-16
10Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope2006-06-13
24Michael Cashmore - Sleep England2006-06
6Jason Molina - Let Me Go, Let Me Go, Let Me Go2006-08-22
12Damien Jurado - And Now That I'm In Your Shadow2006-10-10
34Norfolk & Western - The Unsung Colony2006-10-24
20Rykarda Parasol - Our Hearts First Meet2006
21Marissa Nadler - The Path of The Clouds2006
49Nebelung - Reigen2006
98Isobel Campbell - Sunday At Devil Dirt2006
59Autumn Shade - Ezra Moon2007-03-13
26Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat - Turn Hegel on his Head2007-08-28
61Angus & Julia Stone - A Book Like This2007-09-08
66Changes - Вспомни о чём думал, вспомни о чём мечтал2007-12-25
80Hoax Funeral - Pour Away the Ocean2007
99The Owl Service - A Garland of Song2007
8Werkraum - Early Love Music2008-05
55IANVA - Italia ultimo atto2008-06-02
95Medusa's Spell - Last X Hours2008-10-06
4J. Tillman - Cancer And Delirium2008
72Roma Amor - Roma Amor2008
65Tor Lundvall - Sleeping and Hiding2009-05
38Patrick Wolf - The Bachelor2009-06-01
73Amber Asylum - Bitter River2009-06-09
77Neun Welten - Destrunken2009-11-27
85Neun Welten - Dämmerung - Die Destrunken Demos2009-11-30
86Sturmpercht - Schattenlieder2009-12-21
57Oniric - Cabaret Syndrome2009
36Clogs - The Creatures in the Garden of Lady Walton2010-03-02
74Angus & Julia Stone - Down the Way2010-03-12
68Sieben - Star Wood Brick Firmament2010-05
17Nina Nastasia - Outlaster2010-06-07
44Hexperos - The Veil Of Queen Mab2010-09-20
53Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat - Hewers of wood and drawers of water2010-10-04
28Elane - Arcane2011-02-18
96Art Abscons - Der Verborgene Gott2011-04
33Blood Axis - Ultimacy2011-08-26
69Sangre de Muerdago - Sangre de muerdago2011
84Soan - Sous les yeux de Sophie2012-03-26
88Naevus - The Division of Labour2012-05-16
30Dernière Volonté - Mon Meilleur Ennemi2012-05-24
27Marissa Nadler - The Sister2012-05-29
92Sangre de Muerdago - Deixademe Morrer no Bosque2012-09-21
78Leger Des Heils - Licht!2012-12-03
51Syven - Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings2012-12-06
22The Handsome Family - Wilderness2013-05-14
83Corde Oblique - Per le strade ripetute2013-11-08
2The Handsome Family - Far From Any Road (Main Title Theme from "True Detective")2014-01-21
97Tanzwut - Eselsmesse2014-06-06
37Musk Ox - Woodfall2014-06-17
29The Handsome Family - Unseen2016-09-16
7Marissa Nadler - For My Crimes2018-09-28
64Changes - 2905 Дней Перемен2018
42IAMX - Echo Echo2020-03-13
91The Underground Youth - The Falling2021-03-12
82Marissa Nadler - The Wrath of the Clouds2021-10-29
19Emma Ruth Rundle - Engine Of Hell2021-11-05